Mark Wahlberg Gets the Lead Role In Transformers 4

Yahoo Mark Wahlberg has proven through the years that one can shake a youthful image–such as a buff white rapper–and become a successful actor with several high-profile film credits under his name. Now it looks like he’s going to add a big-budget action flick to his resume, despite the director’s original denials.

What can Wahlberg do wrong?  We all know about his past as Marky Mark; addicted to coke at 13, beating up police and other people blah blah blah.. He escaped that; Escaped his awful hair choices over the years i.e Vince Papale in Invincible etc etc. Its hard not to like the guy, but damn He is owning it.. what can he not do?

Best Friends with Teddy Bear – Ted

Cop – We own the night/The Other Guys

Police Sargent – The Departed

Retired Marine – Shooter

Porn Star – Boogie Nights

Rock StarRock Star

Bodybuilder – Pain and gain

Fisherman – The Perfect Storm

Killer – Fear

Athlete – Invincible

High School Basketball Player – The Basketball Diaries

Plus lets not forget he was the producer of Entourage and Boardwalk Empire!

Are you shittin me Wahlberg? The list goes on! My fingers just got tired of typing.. jeez Marky Mark send some of those sky miles my way.

Optimus Chachy

Move Over Cowgirls

You aren’t the only Dallas cheerleaders in town anymore.   The Dallas Mavericks cheerleaders debuted their new skimpy outfits Monday night and sure look to be giving the legendary cowgirls a run for their money. 

NHL: At This Point, Do We Even Bother?

Now, don’t take this the wrong way; I am as big of an NHL fan as the next guy. I am just as bummed to be watching basketball rather than having a few cold beers in front of NHL network on my TV.. A little coaches corner, a little Don Cherry. I wanna hear the sweet words of O Canada,  following the Star Spangled Banner of course. However, is December too late to start a season, is there a point to start now, outside of “just playing the game”? We have already lost the Classic, which really is the only reason I look forward to New Years Day. Can you really judge a team on half a season? Is ‘The Cup‘ void if they play?  or will there be an asterisk next to the winners name? These are the questions we should have answered today.

Surely outside of my love for the sport one of the biggest reasons I would like to see some sort of season is for the crews of the arenas, they are losing out hard in this deal, these guys need the NHL to survive.. however I am sure Bettman is not in the least concerned about this.

Regardless, I voted today… I voted for the NHL. (Ha, that’s going to be my first paid endorsement.)

Nobody Puts Chachy in the Corner.

Obama or Romney: Who athletes are voting for

Jeter’s an Obama man

A-Rod is a Mittens guy

Floyd loves him some Obama

The Bear is pulling for Mitt

Vincanity is a Bama man

Elway is all Romney all day

MJ is for BO

Peyton wears Mittens

Emmit is Barackin

Greg Anothey…who cares?  Ok its Mitt Romney

The Diesel is voting for Barack

Hulk has a man crush on Romney

Rooney (cant vote) but his man crush is on Obama

Pretty Rickie is a Romney man

Miggles Undecided

Key and Peele.. Nailed It.

Key & Peele nail pretty much killed this one… as well as the one below:

“Intercepted..Don’t sleep on Barry O… Don’t ever sleep on Barry O.”

Thanks TJ for the Video.

Send all pictures and video to

Kobe Tells Critics “Shut Up”


Stephen A. without fail has to plug that he’s friends with every player in the NBA.  “He’s got my number” “Im sure he would text me” Amazing


Toby Keith’s son, named to Youth All-American Bowl

Yahoo – As reported by the Oklahoman, Keith’s son, Stelen Covel, has been named as a player for the U.S. squad in the 2013 Eastbay Youth All-American Bowl. Covel will play on the USA Under-15 team against a squad picked from Canadian All-Stars, and will lineup alongside three other players from the Oklahoma City area.

The Eastbay game, which was created to help shine a light on outstanding underclassmen, will take place Jan. 6 at the Alamodome in San Antonio before the U.S. Army All-American Game at the same site.

Don’t worry kid,  if you dont win you still have your looks… 

Coach Miggles


PhotoBOMBS of the Day from the Master Aaron Rodgers – 60 PICS

Aaron Rogers is a photobomb fanatic and apparently has been doing it on these group photos for YEARS

Ladies and Gentlemen the Master Photobomber Aaron Rodgers








Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection


Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

Aaron Rodgers Photobomb Collection

This Would Be The EXACT Moment I Quit Karate.

“Nope…Nope… Fuck this, Fuck you guys, I’m out of here”  I would get up throw my gloves and helmet (or whatever the fuck that thing is) and I would be out of that gymnasium for life.

P.S.There is a 100% chance that guy pronounces “Karate” as KahRahTay

Sergio Romos Controversial Shirt?

Yahoo –  Romo was born to two parents who were originally from Mexico and raised in tiny Brawley, Calif., a town about 20 miles north of the border. Brawley has produced three major leaguers with Rudy Seanez and Sid Monge being the other two.

Romo’s black-and-white t-shirt contained just four simple words but they formed an important message about stereotyping, perception and acceptance.

You wanna dress and look like a vato gang banger from LA go right ahead, its your right….butttt dont complain when you hear these “four simple words” LICENSE AND REGISTRATION PLEASE.




Tebow Tied Down

TMZ – Tim Tebow has finally scored — problem is, it’s off the field — because TMZ got the first pic showing Tim with his hot new girlfriend/actress, who is no stranger to famous virgins.

Tim and Camilla Belle showed up at Latitude 30 in Jacksonville, Florida Tuesday night, where they bowled and partied.

Uh oh expect wedding bells in the near future. From Jonas Brother to Tebow, Camilla belle is known for stripping V-Cards.   As we all know Timmy wont hit it til its legit. How much better of a QB will Tebow be after he bangs his new girlfriend… Rex Ryan put her up to this or what?


High School Kid Boots a 63 Yd Field Goal.

Do it in a game, when your coach isn’t holding. Then I’ll be impressed. Laces out Blake Carter, Laces out.

Hey Ray

You leave a team that was 48 minutes away from going to the NBA finals last year for the team that knocked you off…FOR LESS MONEY and expect a hug from one of its captains?  You are as supid as you are ugly. 

Doc Miggles

Kevin Garnett for President 2012


Hilarious: Drunk Kid Lit Up On High School Football Field

Easy on the Zimas Zac Efron.

How old is this kid? Is he 19? Is he 40?  I can’t tell. Regardless, the kid definitely was bombing down Bartles and Jaymes in the stands like nobodies business and decided walking out on the field  like “hey this is my game bitch” was a good idea.  Except for the fact “Dad of the Year” was at the game and comes flying in with the knockout blow heard round the world…   Who said old man strength is an old wives tale?

P.S whats look is he going for with that belt exactly?

Minnesota Timberwolves Are Too White?


Apparently civil rights leaders in Minneapolis think so.

Tyrone Terrell, chairman of St. Paul’s African American leadership council, told the Star-Tribune that he thinks the unbalanced roster could be seen as a ploy by the ownership to sell the team to a majority-white fan base.

“How did we get a roster that resembles the 1955 Lakers?” Terrell said to the Star-Tribune. “I think everything is a strategy. Nothing happens by happenstance.”

Is this guy serious?  Before you start playing the race card Tyrone, you should know some facts – Of the 15 players on the Minnesota squad, 5 are black, 5 are European born (all from different countries) and 5 are “white,” born in the US.  Sounds like a pretty diverse team to me…shoot might be the most diverse team in the NBA (white/black aside).  So I say you sit back and enjoy a wonderfully fundamentally sound season in Minnesota and keep your trap shut T. 🙂

Reverend Miggles


I Can’t Believe Delonte West Got Released!

Said no one ever..

Dallas – The Dallas Mavericks have waived guard Delonte West after suspending him twice in less than two weeks for conduct detrimental to the team.

West, who has bipolar disorder, indicated in a series of tweets after the second suspension that his future in Dallas was in doubt. He was a valuable role player for the Mavericks last year and figured to play a similar role this year before a pair of locker room incidents during the preseason.

Valuable my nuts.  This guy was a thorn in the side of any team he played with and any teammates mother he knew.  Not even sure that makes sense, but you get it.  Peace D West!

South Carolina: Marcus Lattimore Update

Wow, after watching this happen in the game and then seeing the video your stomach kind of drops a little for this kid.  One second youre future looks so bright, the next  ‘Spaghetti Leg’ and possible career over.  However, some good news out of South Carolina,  it appears that the injury was only a dislocated knee and ligament. Which, when held up to the video footage  is pretty remarkable. Nothing has been speculated as to Lattimore returning this season however, he has one red shirt season available.

Heres to a speedy recovery big dog.

Maryland, Lets Just Sit This Season Out.

Yahoo – Maryland‘s string of bad luck with its quarterbacks continued this weekend, as the Terps lost their fourth starting quarterback to injury, meaning a freshman linebacker is likely to be Maryland’s starting quarterback this week.

Edsall apparently will turn to freshman linebacker Shawn Petty, who was an option quarterback in high school but was recruited as a defensive player.

Now I finally have a reason to watch  Maryland Football!! . We here at the Jar love a good underdog story, so I’m  defintely rooting for this kid, but the way this season is going he’s 100% looking at a season/career ending injury.

If I were him I would throw a pick on purpose every once in a while and then light the kid up….Just to remind everyone what he’s really good at.