Are We Over The NHL?


It sure seems like we are over the NHL, if not.. we are well into the pathway there.  At this time, NHL training camps are supposed to begin bringing back players from all over the world to their in season homes. As a fan its almost as if the 3rd time is a charm rule comes into play. Lock us out once okay 2nd time a whole season was rough however, we bounced back… but this third time … fuck it, why bother let the NHL fade, we’ll stick to our ponds and rinks and NHL 13. At this point we are just sick of the dramatics. I understand both sides are there to do a job and fight for what belongs to them which when put like that does not seem to lead to a satisfactory outcome.

With Sweden opening its doors to NHL athletes as well as many other countries its hard to see athletes who play in the NHL wouldn’t travel abroad mostly back to their home countries. The countdown has begun to when the lockout will end but when it does end will it be too late. A Grimm outlook to have but the NHL’s future is not looking too bright.