Mitt Romney’s Son: Wants to “take a swing” at Obama

Newsone – When asked by radio host, Bill Lumaye, how it felt to to hear President Barack Obama call his father, Mitt Romney, a liar, Tagg Romney, 42, said that only Secret Service stopped him from assaulting the president, reports

“I’m going to ask something I think a lot of people want to know, or at least I do. What is it like for you to hear the President of the United States call your dad a liar. How do you react to that?” asked Lumaye.

“Well — jump out of your seat and you want to rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him,” Tagg replied. “But you know you can’t do that because, well, first there is a lot of Secret Service between you and him but also because this is the nature of the process, they’re going to do everything they can do to make my dad into someone he is not.”

My Favorite part here is him stating that one of the reasons he didn’t take a swing at the Leader of the Free World was the Secret Service.  “yeah you lucky punk, you lucky they holdin me back”  You ain’t doin shit Taggycakes now sit back like a good little boy and let Mittens fight his own battles.
Governor Miggles